This post is courtesy of Jill Badonsky at Kaizen Muses... google it for her site and more of her crazy creative ideas and prompts.
Open the door to Making Creativity Easier:
1. Small Question Asking the small question: "What makes getting to my creative passion easier?" When you continually ask a question like this without expecting an immediate answer... often you simply begin operating from the answer. Ask it while driving, showering, standing in line or during commercials.
2. What Gets a Rise Out of You? If you have difficulty narrowing down what creative pursuit you want to get to, put all your ideas on index cards and then based on what raises your energy, narrow it down to three. Stickers help. Pick one and just take a small step related to it. Being in action creates clarity. Sitting around just thinking about what you SHOULD start... creates acme... sort of.
3. However, daydreaming about being IN the process with a particular passion, experiencing the flow, feeling the bliss of the creative process take over so that the joy of discovery and the delight of being creative embraces you can be what we call "creative foreplay." It gets you excited about going further... or for some of us, getting started.
4. A Habit Discipline is no longer a struggle when you've developed a habit and a habit develops by showing up for even as little as 5 minutes a day.. even if you compassionately allow yourself a day off here and there.
5. Have fun.. Why not make it fun? We can DO that. Ask, "How can I make it fun to start?" In fact, write a letter to yourself from your creative passion having it entice you back to being involved with it. That's kinda fun. Have an affair with your creative passion but practice safe creating.
6. Team up Synchronize your action either with a friend who is working at the same time or gosh, hey.. why not a Life Coach for Passion!
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