Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Passion vs. mediocrity

What happens if you don't find your passion? What if you never did? I thought i would write about the absence of passion to juxtapose the opposite scenario. If I were in my Rocking Chair at the end of my life and I looked back and had to say to myself, Cheryl, you never really found your passion, What would that feel like?
I suppose the best word that would capture it would be wasted. I would feel quite bereft that this wonderful opportunity, this window of light in an eternity of darkness, stayed dark and was never lit with that spark of inspiration, that creative illumination, that enlightenment of genius. It is too difficult to even imagine. To have lived a life of bland mediocrity, to not have tasted and smelled, to not have seen or felt. Even one minute of living with passion for life is enough to illuminate an entire expanse of darkness. There is so much of life to be passionate about, how could one miss it? Even to look about, to cast one's glance with mindfulness, at the one square foot of real estate directly surrounding one's body is to be entranced with the beauty and genius of each moment, each object as it represents advances in thought or creativity. A life without the ability to perceive the magic of each moment is a life bereft of imagination, a life adrift in a sea of gray, granular sameness. All you need is appreciation and gratitude to experience passion.

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